I'm proud to say I'm now part of the
RevGalPal Blogring (you can check out others by clicking on the sidebar).
One of the things they do is the Friday Five. This week, it's 5 things that have helped you on your spiritual journey. Here's my list, with a
childcentric spin:
1. Book
I go back again and again to 2 series, Madeline
L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time series and C.S. Lewis' science fiction trilogy (
Perelandra, etc). Each time I read them, I am reminded about God, humanity, and our relationships in wonderful ways. Wrinkle in Time can be read starting around age 7-8. I believe I first read
Perelandra at age 13.
2. Music
Why Not Sea Monsters have created the world's greatest biblical-based music. They may be "children's artists" but their theology can stand up to many a
ThD. If you haven't heard them, check them out NOW. Their song about Job had me weeping tears of joy. They are able to convey the overwhelming love of God in a way I've seldom heard.
3. Art
My own. We are all artists, and are able to understand a little bit about the creative aspect of God by being creative ourselves. Spend a little time with your kids and art this week!
4. Film
There's an old film, possibly made in the 1960s or 70s called
The Music Box. It's about a hopeless man in a hopeless world. He finds a music box that brings joy into his life. He tries to hide the change in himself and also hides the music box. A really great band of funky singing angels come to share the joy and teach him to share. First his family, then his neighborhood, and then the world become hope-filled.
Unusual Engagement with Pop Culture
I love
The Brick Testament. It takes (usually the goriest or sexiest) stories from the bible and tells them through
legos. It has a rating systems for the stories, including N (nudity), V (violence), S (sex), and C (I'm not sure what C is for). Not for young children, but I would think that especially older boys might really enjoy it. However, parents may not want to have to try to explain these "stinky parts" of the bible to their children!
Now, post a comment and share your nominations in these